A Quotidian Inspiration

29 03 2012

Children inspire me;  their surprising and honest insights, their spontaneity, and their belief in themselves.  Kids are proud of  their work, love giving performances, and are brave in their willingness to wholeheartedly try something new. They’re so happy about themselves, and they rarely worry that maybe someone else is better, or maybe what they’ve done isn’t good enough.   I want that joi de vivre again, that ability to be so happy with whatever I do, simply for the joy of having done it.  The best lessons for a good life come from children!

At Home on the Island

27 03 2012

I love traveling, but even more, I love coming home!  No matter how nice the inn, or how soft the bed, my own is the best.  I am one of those people who would bring my own pillow everywhere I travel if I could.  After the delicious restaurant meals we sampled on our trip, the simple food at home tastes so good.  My body rebels at decadent travel meals, and despite their deliciousness I prefer the ease and freshness of a quiet meal in our kitchen.  Being in my home inspires me today.  Feeling comfortable, safe and cocooned is the best feeling, and frees my inner voice.  Back in the routine at work, a productive day followed by a balmy doggy walk.  Now, grilling salmon scents the room and crisp greens await dressing.  I remind myself to live in the moment.

Coastal Maine

19 03 2012

While walking along the shore of Camden Bay, I hear the call of the cardinal and think of another shore far to the south.  The crisp, pine-scented air and boulder strewn shoreline are a stark contrast from white sand beaches of home, but a brisk and refreshing contrast; one that inspires mind and soul.  The taste of fresh lobster melts over my taste buds, and the tangy sweetness of wild blueberries baked into a flaky crust are the perfect finish to a meal here in the wild and beautiful north.  The inspiration of contrasts is one of the best.  It shocks the system out of complacency and opens the boundaries of thought.  Now I’m off to experience more of this beautiful place!

Tropical Night

17 03 2012

Heading out for a night walk with dog and hubby.  The soft, tropical darkness and scent of night-blooming jasmine sends me to dreamland.  Lucky to live where ocean sounds drift on the night air.  Inspired already and the walk yet to come!

Walking a Path

16 03 2012

The Northern Cardinal’s pure trill danced around me, wrapping me in the  streaky dawn mist.  The authentic joy in the bird’s song stays with me, a peaceful place in my mind that I go to throughout the day.  The memory brings me back to that moment, those seconds I walked down the path from home to car.  Those seconds when I lived in the moment, when I focused on what is now instead of planning what is to come or rehashing what has passed.  For some reason this is so hard to do.  I’m too much in my mind, and not enough in the world.  Being in the world inspires me.  As an artist, a photographer and a writer, my greatest creative inspiration comes from nature and movement, long walks, floating in the warm surf, bicycling with the wind in my face.  It is at these times that my mind makes connections, sees nuances, and is open to insight.  When I’m too busy for time with nature, I find my creative well dry.  Join me in tapping that inner voice!