
26 10 2013

A quote from one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver…

“When I walk into the world,

I take no thoughts with me.

That’s not easy, but you can

learn to do it.  An empty mind is

hungry, so you look at everything

longer, and closer.  Don’t hum!

When you listen with empty 

ears, you hear more.  And this is

the core of the secret:  Attention

is the beginning of devotion.” 



5 06 2013



Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,

places to play in and pray in,

where nature may heal and

give strength to body and soul.

John Muir

Inspiration Sunrise

1 07 2012

Inspiration Sunrise.

Floating Island

5 06 2012

An island floats on the horizon

surrounded by exquisite  blueness.

Sea and sky perfectly blended

on earth’s palette.

The Rainy Season

1 06 2012

I drive to work beneath the hanging bellies of rain-laden clouds, who promise fecund drops to nurture earth. The porous limestone of the islands mirrors my own creative skin, both hungry for replenishment, and awaiting the deluge.  For me that downpour comes in the hours and minutes of summer when my time is my own.  For the Keys, it is the afternoon thunderstorms that form cloud-towers in the sunny heat, then burst into thunder-claps and fleeting downpours, only to dissolve into sunsets of breath-taking beauty.  Earth’s creative expression is my inspiration! And so I drive on with cloud grayness holding me to the ground, counting the days until I can build my own cumulus towers of ideas and images;  until I too am replenished.

Island Summer

22 05 2012

Like a long stretch of beach, the solitude of summer beckons  me.  I know from experience that the grains of minutes will go by too quickly, that my plans for relaxation and creative expression will bud, blossom and fade with the August doldrums.  Still, my excitement builds.  So many choices unfold.  Will I slip out of bed early for a sunrise stroll, or laze sleepily on soft sheets while the whirring ceiling fan stirs my dreams?  Will the sparkle  blue of the pool draw me in for some lap swimming,  or will I drag my bike down the stairs and pedal off to look for feeding eagle rays beneath the seven mile bridge?  Perhaps my kayak will invite me for a paddle among the mangroves where I’ll listen for the huffing breaths of manatees and see snowy white herons feeding in the shallows.  Hubby and I will spend weekends on photo adventures or snorkeling in clear ocean depths.  The joy of summer lies in the breadth of choices or the option of doing nothing;  in the grains of minutes that trickle and then cascade, that roil in the gentle surf, and finally come to rest on a long stretch of beach.


25 04 2012

Today I’m inspired by my new camera! I can’t wait to see the world through this new lens. Already I have ideas and am thinking in new ways about how to look at the world around me. Sharper close-ups and more saturated sunsets will all be possible now. I can’t wait to explore the features and learn how to use them. Growing and learning in my craft are the best inspiration.

Coastal Maine

19 03 2012

While walking along the shore of Camden Bay, I hear the call of the cardinal and think of another shore far to the south.  The crisp, pine-scented air and boulder strewn shoreline are a stark contrast from white sand beaches of home, but a brisk and refreshing contrast; one that inspires mind and soul.  The taste of fresh lobster melts over my taste buds, and the tangy sweetness of wild blueberries baked into a flaky crust are the perfect finish to a meal here in the wild and beautiful north.  The inspiration of contrasts is one of the best.  It shocks the system out of complacency and opens the boundaries of thought.  Now I’m off to experience more of this beautiful place!