Of The Trees

24 07 2023

My favorite book of the year taught me about the truth and heart of the trees.  Of how trees are connected through roots and rhizomes, of fungi and of seeds spreading, of renewal by fire, of ecosystems in the canopies of the ancients. How the memories of trees are the beating heart of the forest, the heaven of earth, the history of mankind. Trees are the healers, sending messages and memories and medicine to their sick, and ours.  The shade of the earth, the protectors of creatures, the shelter givers, sometimes through their own demise.  Ancient memories are lost forever with the cutting of the oldest trees.  Trees of the forest, of the coastline, of the mountain.  Trees that feed us with their fruits, that heal us with their medicines, that hold us in their canopies and feed our hearts.  I start my day in the garden, among the whispering trees, beneath the lacy fronds of a poinciana, beckoned into the day by the hushed tinkle of leaves twisting in the sea breeze.  Go forth they encourage,  reach out, feed those in need as we do.  

MR July 2023

Inspired by the book The Overstory by Richard Powers

Side Effects

26 04 2014

Has anyone one else felt angry and frustrated by starting a new medication for conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, only to find that you experience numerous and severe side effects that aren’t even listed by the manufacturer?  It’s only when you begin to research beyond the web pages of the drug companies or other health care oriented sites, that you begin to find reports of other patients who experience the same symptoms you do.  I seem to be very sensitive to medications, and experience severe and intolerable side effects to many medications.  The treatment seems worse than the disease.  In some cases, it seems that doctors only know about the side effects that are acknowledged by the drug makers, and don’t believe me when I tell them that I have other side effects that I’m sure are caused by the medications.  I refuse to take medicine that makes me feel sick and ruins my quality of life.  What are your experiences? 


24 03 2014

The power of poetry!

The ancient eavesdropper



a wealth

of diction —

but when



simple words

to convey

a deeper

purpose —

that is


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Song Burst

22 03 2014

Honor the tomato

By eating it.

Revel in its ripeness

Praise its sweet pulp

Its juicy song burst

Its red or golden

or heirloom purple

Tender skin

Pierced for your nourishment

Soul food!

The Ingredients for a Family Visit

15 03 2014


“We are responsible not for the outcomes, but only for the ingredients.”

from Plan B:  Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott

After hosting several family members for the past week in our small apartment, the above quote seemed particularly apt.  We added the best ingredients we could to each day;  a welcoming atmosphere, good food, fun activities, and lots of laughter, then hoped it all mixed together into a happy week.  And it did.  Of course there were a few mishaps, as is bound to happen when a group of people live in close proximity for a week.  Lost phones, misplaced, clothing, and plans that did not work out, but the recipe came together, and the overall experience felt like a holiday feast, all of us replete with fun and time together.

We have the usual accoutrements for hosting overnight guests in a small apartment;  an air mattress, and, well, that’s about it really.  If we push the sofas back a bit, the mattress can be squeezed into the living room space, and we can all take turns in one bathroom.  There are a few floor spaces where suitcases can be opened for clothing deployment, and a couple of extra mirrors that can be used for make-up applications and hair styling when the bathroom is in use.  Our washer and dryer sees frequent operation keeping up with the towels used at the beach and pool, and the porch railing serves as a clothes line for drying bathing suits and life jackets, while kayak paddles drip-dry in the corner next to sandy flip-flops.

Conversation, laughter, comfort, relaxation, nature, good food, and times together;  the ingredients for a family feast!

How I Live Now

9 03 2014



4 02 2014

One of the best!

  One of the best!

“Having a good dog is the closest some of us will ever come to knowing the direct love…of God”
Ann Lamott
Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Night’s Journey

21 11 2013

Snores call out
the moon as I
slide into slumber
dark dreams rumble
in my throat rolling over
And again in my mind,
rasping across a dry
tongue like pounding
hooves chasing dreams
in a desert.
am I here?
And I wake exhausted
from my night’s journey
quiet breath lifting day


26 10 2013

A quote from one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver…

“When I walk into the world,

I take no thoughts with me.

That’s not easy, but you can

learn to do it.  An empty mind is

hungry, so you look at everything

longer, and closer.  Don’t hum!

When you listen with empty 

ears, you hear more.  And this is

the core of the secret:  Attention

is the beginning of devotion.” 


The Purpose of Life

25 10 2013


The Purpose of Life

Seek to live well through honor and usefulness.